PTA Dance - Friday, March 28
7:30-9:30 p.m.
Unified Sports will participate in the Lincoln Tunnel 5k Challenge on Sunday, May 4. Attached is more information about the event. Student transportation is available for the event.
Our Kumpf PALS (Peer Leaders) are now offering Peer Tutoring during lunches/recess to our students. See attached for more information or contact your child's guidance counselor.
Kumpf Middle School's 2024-25 Governor's Educator of the Year!
Attached are the Visitor Security Procedures for the Clark Public Schools and Kumpf Middle School.
Gordon Korman, author of Linked, held a virtual visit with Kumpf MS. The link below is the recording of the virtual visit.
Kumpf Unified Sports participated in the Lincoln Tunnel 5k Challenge on May 7. The team raised over $4k! GREAT JOB!
Watch Kumpf's "One School, One Book" that was featured on Classroom Close-up on NJTV. Click the link below to watch.
7:30-9:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
For current 5th grade students and parents - 6:30 p.m.
6 p.m.
7 p.m.
Homework Club is offered most Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Please complete the form below to sign-up for HW Club
The link below is to the CPSD Technology Department student/parent helpdesk
CPSD Technology Department Helpdesk
Digital Wellness Lab - Boston Children's Hospital
Erika's Lighthouse (Adolescent Depression Resource)
Parents Guide to Smartphone Safety
Union County FREE Support Services
Rutgers Summer Bridge Math Program
Rutgers University Institute of Reading Development
Teaching Kids to Be Smart About Social Media
Preparing for Middle School by Scholastic Books
10 tips for parents to prepare for Middle School
Khan Academy (Free Subject Area Resources)
Caring Contact (Youth Helpline)
CHK Anti-Bullying Specialist:
Mr. Joe Sortino
CPSD Anti-Bullying Coordinator:
Mr. Chris Marcin
Please click the following link for HIB information pertaining to the district: http://www.